Accident Reconstruction and Simulation Software
June 29th 2021
In 2018, there were 33, 654 fatal motor vehicle crashes in the United States that resulted in 11.2 deaths per 100,000 people, and 1.13 deaths per 100 million miles traveled [1] [2]. In the same year, Canada reported 1,743 fatal collisions with 1,922 fatalities [3].
Motor vehicle crashes can result in dispute resolution where an attorney or claims management professional may retain an Accident Reconstructionist. Why?; because Accident Reconstruction is a fundamental building block in determining both how and why an accident happened. As a pillar to any causation analysis, Accident Reconstruction encompasses the systematic and methodical step-by-step forensic investigation, identification, interpretation, validation, rectification, and analysis of available evidence; applying the accepted practices, principles, and laws of science and engineering to determine the reconstructed sequence of events [4].
Accident Reconstructionists have many tools at their disposal to aid in the reconstruction of accidents. One such tool is Accident Reconstruction simulation software, for example PC Crash or Virtual Crash, which allow for collision simulation and pre and post collision trajectories. Such software can be used for reconstructing complicated accidents involving vehicles, cyclists, or pedestrians, or as part of a validation of an Accident Reconstructionist’s “paper and pencil” analysis. However, it is important for litigation and claims management professionals to ensure that the Accident Reconstructionist they retained has the proper training and experience in using such software, as well as certification as an Accident Reconstructionist [5].
At LISKE, our team includes Accident Reconstructionists who are not only fully accredited but have specific training and years of experience using Accident Reconstruction software. We remain at the leading edge of the industry’s evolving technology to provide Crash Data Retrieval (black box), 3D forensic mapping, frame-by-frame video analysis and Accident Reconstruction software simulation. Our unique team approach allows our Human Factors and Injury Biomechanics experts to provide additional analysis on both accident and injury causation.
LISKE Accident and Injury Experts. Any Accident. Any Injury. Anywhere
[1] Federal Highway Administration. 2019. Highway statistics, 2018. Washington, DC: US Department of Transportation.