Contact Us For:
- Event Data Analysis
- Event Data Extraction
- Event Data Interpretation
- Event Data Reporting
- Event Data Validation
Did You Know?
We can retrieve the pre-impact data [speed, braking, etc.] from the vehicle’s EDR. Results that can change the outcome of your next case.
Examples of data that can be imaged from the Event Data Recorder:
- Airbag Warning Lamp status (On/Off)
- Brake status
- Delta-V vs. time for frontal airbag deployment event
- Driver’s seat belt status
- Engine speed
- Maximum Delta-V for near-deployment event
- Passenger’s airbag enabled or disabled (On/Off)
- Throttle position
- Time between near-deployment and deployment event (if within 5 seconds)
- Time from vehicle impact to airbag deployment
- Time from vehicle impact to time of maximum Delta-V
- Vehicle speed