Contact Us For:
- Advanced Reconstruction Using Computer Simulation Programs
- Advanced Scene Investigations Using 3D Forensic Mapping
- Analysis of Physical Evidence
- Biomechanics of Injury
- Causation Determination in Extreme Driving Conditions
- Cause Analysis
- Collision Dynamics
- Data Extraction and Analysis
- Driver Requirements and Log Books
- Electronic Control Module [ECM]
- Forensic Mapping
- Hazard Awareness
- Highway Design & Traffic Control Analysis
- Human Factors Forensics
- Issues with Discernibility and Visibility
- Lift Truck Safety
- Mechanical Failure Analysis
- Night Driving Issues
- PC Crash Analysis
- Preventative Maintenance Analysis
- Proper Handling of Cargo and Load Securement
- Tractor/Trailer Examinations
- Tractor-Trailer Off-Tracking Dynamics
- Truck Brake Examinations
In 2017, 4,889 large trucks and buses were involved in fatal crashes, which was a 9-percent increase from 2016.
In 2016, of the 34,439 fatal crashes on U.S. roadways, 4,079 (11.8-percent) involved at least one large truck or bus. In addition, there were an estimated 7,242,000 non-fatal crashes, 537,000 (7.4-percent) of which involved at least one large truck or bus. Furthermore, in 2016, 9.5-percent of large truck drivers who were involved in fatal crashes were not wearing any type of safety belt.
Large trucks are much more likely to be involved in fatal multi-vehicle accidents.