Contact Us For:
- Accident Site Photologs
- Advanced Scene Investigations
- Analysis of Physical Evidence
- Autonomous Vehicle Examinations/Investigations
- Biomechanics of Injury
- Car Seat Examinations
- Collision Dynamics
- Crash Data Retrieval [CDR]
- Electric Car Examinations/Investigations
- Exemplar Vehicle Examinations
- 3D Forensic Mapping
- Forensic Vehicle Examinations
- Highway Design & Traffic Control Analysis
- Human Factors Forensics
- Impact Dynamics
- Low Speed Collision Analysis
- Motorcycle Accident Investigations
- Occupant Dynamics
- PC Crash Analysis
- Pedestrian, Bicyclist and E-scooter Accident Reconstruction
- Principal Direction of Force [PDOF] Analysis
- Seatbelt/Airbag Examinations
- Traffic Accident Investigation and Reconstruction
- Trucking Accident Investigations
- Vehicular Dynamics
One out of every five drivers will be involved in a traffic accident this year.
In 2006, there were an estimated 5,973,000 police-reported traffic crashes, in which 42,642 people were killed and 2,575,000 people were injured.
Traffic Accident deaths are the leading cause of death for all age groups between the ages of 2 and 34.
In the year 2006, the economic cost due to motor vehicle accidents was calculated to be $230.6 billion.
In 2006, an average of 117 people died each day in motor vehicle crashes. In 2006, one person died in a motor vehicle crash approximately every 12 minutes.